DUBOIS – Based upon the planning commission’s review of DuBois City properties, council accepted recommendations to change zoning to make it more in-line with the surrounding area at Monday night’s regular meeting.
Areas will be posted and there will be a public hearing before the change in zoning becomes official, council said.
The affected area is South Brady Street from Olive to Weber avenues and McLloyd Terrace to Brown Drive. It’s currently zoned “R-2 Residential” and would potentially become “Commercial Neighborhood.”
The planning commission also recommended a change to the zoning ordinance’s language for it to be in-line with that of the commonwealth. As a result, home occupation will follow the Municipal Planning Code for non-impact, home-based businesses.
City Solicitor Toni Cherry explained, saying this will not permit the sale or display of inventory goods, a stockpile of goods, etc. She said beauty salons will not be permitted due to owners being unable to sell products or to have an in-house inventory.
According to her, the house also will not be able to have the look of a business. She said permitted businesses will be a seamstress, for example, as people can drop-off and pick-up dresses, or a baker who sells a dozen cookies here and there.
Council authorized Cherry to move forward on the planning commission’s recommendations.
In other business, Fire Chief Bill Boyle reported the department’s new truck construction is coming along. He said some minor issues were found but will be taken care of before its delivery.
He said the truck is expected to be finished within the next 10 days or so and picked up in Mercer. He noted that some department members have already completed driver training.
Also, six members of the Boy Scout Troop 26 attended the council meeting to give the Pledge of Allegiance. It was done to earn a citizenship and community merit badge, a requirement for their Eagle Scout badge.
Council was scheduled to hear the KTH Architects recommendations for Comfort Station bids. However, council didn’t move forward due to the recommendations not being submitted prior to the meeting; it will be placed on the agenda for an upcoming council meeting.