CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough welcomed a new council member and voted to hold the line on taxes for another year in its preliminary budget.
At Thursday’s regular meeting, Mayor James Schell gave the oath of office to Robbie Tubbs. Tubbs will be filling the vacant seat on the council for Second Ward. The seat was declared vacant after council member Dave Gallaher passed away in September.
Also at the meeting, the council voted to approve the preliminary 2017 budget and present it for advertisement. The budget holds taxes at 25 mills.
This means the owner of a $50,000 property would pay $312.5 in taxes to Clearfield Borough. Property owners in the borough must also pay taxes to Clearfield County and to the Clearfield Area School District.
The budget lists expenditures and revenues at $2,425,250, respectively
Expenditures are listed as follows:
- $45,003.67 for legislative
- $75,949.34 for executive
- $46,075.89 for financial administration
- $45,489.00 for tax collection
- $79,252.25 for wages and benefits for the borough operations manager
- $26,011.27 for the borough administration building
- $5,000 for the engineer
- $921,431.59 for wages and expenses for the police department
- $413,789.00 for wages and garage expenses for the street department
- $114,087.63 for the fire department
- $86,528.88 for the code department
- $1,700 for planning and zoning
- $8,661.11 for sanitary sewers
- $5,092.00 for recycling
- $105,800.07 for general highway maintenance
- $78,895.48 for highway cleaning
- $43,132.68 for snow removal
- $33,450.36 for highway traffic maintenance
- $72,000.00 for highway lighting
- $54,136 for highway repairs
- $64,130.04 for highway sewer maintenance