Chelsea Clinton: Trump’s infidelity comment a ‘distraction’

Chelsea Clinton said Donald Trump’s threat to bring up her father’s marital infidelities during a presidential debate is a “distraction from his inability to talk about what’s actually at stake in this election.”

In an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine published Tuesday, the former first daughter said she was unmoved by the subject, which Trump alluded to in the final moments of Monday’s first presidential debate and then more directly to reporters after the event.

“My reaction to that is just what my reaction has been kind of every time Trump has gone after my mom or my family, which is that it’s a distraction from his inability to talk about what’s actually at stake in this election and to offer concrete, comprehensive proposals,” Clinton said.

She continued, “Candidly, I don’t remember a time in my life when my parents and my family weren’t being attacked, and so it just sort of seems to be in that tradition unfortunately.”

Clinton said that what she found “most troubling” were Trump’s attacks on “women, Muslims, Americans with disabilities, a Gold Star family.”

“I mean that, to me, is far more troubling than whatever his most recent screed against my mom or my family (is),” she said.

Trump said at Monday’s debate, “I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself, ‘I can’t do it.'” He later told CNN’s Dana Bash and other outlets that he was referencing former President Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities, but cited “respect for Chelsea Clinton” as a reason he held back during the debate.

Chelsea Clinton managed a couple of jabs not only at Trump but also Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who polls have showed cutting into Clinton’s support among younger voters.

“Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party want to get rid of the public school system in our country. If that’s what you believe, then you should actually support him,” she said.

On his campaign website, Johnson says he supports a “universally available program for school choice,” and has previously expressed support for voucher programs that provide parents funds with which they can choose their child’s school — a plan that critics contend will cannibalize public schools. He’s also said he would abolish the Department of Education as president. And the Libertarian Party platform says that the party believes “parents should have control of and responsibility for all funds expended for their children’s education.” But Johnson has also said that “public schools are not going to go away.”

Speaking to Cosmopolitan on National Voter Registration Day, Clinton also discussed the Clinton campaign’s efforts to appeal to millennial voters.

“I think voting is intensely personal,” she said. “I would just urge young voters to actually look at what the different candidates are offering and look at the different experiences of the different candidates to determine whether or not they think there is the chance of being able to do that.”

Clinton’s not the first would-be first daughter to talk to Cosmopolitan, though this interview apparently ended less acrimoniously than the last one: Ivanka Trump cut off her interview with the publication earlier this month, citing “a lot of negativity in these questions.”

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