GOP senators warn Democrats not to block Zika funds

Top Senate Republicans urged Democrats not to block a Zika funding measure that faces a key vote Tuesday, cautioning that Democrats will be blamed if children are born with the birth defects caused by the dangerous mosquito-borne virus.

“I think there’s going to be a heavy price to pay when this virus hits our shore and women start having babies with terrible birth defects,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Republican leader. “I wouldn’t want to be in their position.”

Despite the blunt warnings, Democrats vowed they will block the $1.1 billion package that was agreed to by House and Senate Republican negotiators — and approved in the GOP-controlled House last week — because it contains what Democrats call “poison pills” inserted in the measure.

Democrats oppose a provision easing Environmental Protection Agency regulations but are especially frustrated by a measure that prevents funding for Planned Parenthood.

“They restrict funding for birth control provided by Planned Parenthood. Can you believe that?” said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. “And the Zika problem, who does it affect? Women and especially pregnant women.”

Republicans argue the EPA changes are temporary and designed to make it easier to spray pesticides to kill mosquitoes. They also say that while funds are denied to Planned Parenthood, there are no actual cuts to women’s health funding. The money is redirected to community health centers and other organizations.

Lawmakers have debated how to respond to the public health crisis caused by Zika for months but Republicans made clear if Democrats block the GOP compromise, it could be weeks before the chamber — which will soon break for party conventions and summer recess — can vote again.

“After all the entreaties and demands and unanimous consent requests and really hysteria over passing a Zika funding bill, if the Democrats block it tomorrow, it would be about the most cynical gesture I’ve seen around here since I’ve been in the Senate,” Cornyn said.

A Reid spokeswoman sought to put blame on Republicans if the Senate leaves town before voting on a Zika funding measure.

“It would be a tragic mistake if Republicans give up and skip town for a two month summer recess without forging a bipartisan agreement to protect American mothers, babies and families from the rapidly-rising threat of the Zika virus.,” said Kristen Orthman in a statement.

Sixty votes will be needed to advance the measure, which is part of a larger spending bill for veterans’ programs and military construction, when it is voted Tuesday morning.

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