Clearfield Borough Gives Green Light to Move Ahead with Rezoning

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Borough Planning Commission has gotten the green light to move ahead with rezoning plans.

At Thursday’s Clearfield Borough Council meeting, Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack reported on the recent planning commission meeting.

Mack said there are several properties that the commission is looking to zone as commercial. He said some of these properties are in the area of the riverwalk.

Mack said that while there had been buildings on these properties previously that had been operating commercial businesses, he could find no documentation where the commercial usage for these businesses had been approved.  Mack said the commission would like to move ahead and rezone those properties.

“It will bring those properties into compliance and provide for future growth,” Mack said.

Solicitor F. Cortez Bell III said the next step in the process is for the planning commission to notify the owners of the properties of the proposed zoning change and to hold a public hearing to give property owners and other residents the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes.

The council voted to give the planning commission permission to notify the property owners and to move forward in the process.

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