Super Tuesday’s 5 things: It’s all about home today

An astronaut comes home, candidates hope they don’t go home, and a plumber find gold in a home. It’s Super Tuesday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door:


Go big or go home: This is it, folks. The big one. The day everything changes in Campaign 2016. The time for Cruz and Rubio to bring it if they want to pry open the death-grip The Donald seems to have on the nomination. Ditto for Bernie if he wants to stop Clinton on her tracks. Twelve states vote today, and here’s a handy dandy breakdown of what to look for and what it could mean for the candidates.


Nuh-uh, not this time: Stop me if you’ve heard this before. The feds want Apple to break into an iPhone to help in an investigation. Apple says, I can’t go for that (No can do). But this time, it isn’t the San Bernardino shooting case, It’s an iPhone 5C that belongs to a meth dealer, and the DEA wants to dial up his customers and fellow drug peddlers. Just say hi, no biggie. In this case, however, a judge says, no dice. You’ll be hearing more and more of these cases. This is at least one of 13 around the country.


Under investigation: A cop in Raleigh, North Carolina, kills a felony drug suspect. Like in so many cases before, the community is outraged and says the officer had no right to take a life. No one’s saying why the officer opened fire. He’s on leave while authorities investigate.

Teen opens fire: A 14-year-old is accused of opening fire in an Ohio school cafeteria. It took place at Madison Junior-Senior High School in Middletown, Ohio. Four students were shot. All are expected to live.


Now it’s time to leave the capsule: Astronaut Scott Kelly is homeward bound today after nearly a year on the International Space Station — 340 days to be exact. That’s a record for an American astronaut. As long as you don’t count Matt Damon :-) Doctors and such will poke and prod him to see if he’s really made the grade. They’ll use the info to gauge how humans tolerate long-term space flights. Kelly says he feels fine. “I could go for another 100 days or 100 years.” His family: Nooooo!


Why would someone do this?: Russian police found a woman in a Moscow subway station yesterday, carrying the severed head of a child. Yikes. The woman was the babysitter. Authorities think she waited until the parents left with an older child, killed the toddler, set the apartment on fire and then bolted. Why? That’s anyone’s guess, but video shows the woman walking outside the metro station, saying “I am a terrorist. I hate you — the enemy.” Police aren’t calling the case terror-related, yet.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Number of the day:

3,967 — The number of people ISIS executed since it declared its “caliphate” in Syrian territory in 2014, including 71 in just the last month.

There’s gold in them thar … bathroom?

Yup! A cell-phone sized gold bar, to be exact, that a plumber found in a Calgary home. It was his second day on the job.

Pachyderm pandemonium

If your neighborhood elephant is out of sorts, best to stay out of the way. These guys found that out the hard way. (Click to view).

Classic character actor

Oscar-winner George Kennedy wowed us in “Cool Hand Luke.” He made us groan and giggle in the “Naked Gun” films. He died over the weekend at 91.

And finally …
Now that’s fast

Paul and Jay build a robot that solves a Rubik’s Cube in record time — less than a second.

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