Rand Paul’s debate hopes: Opponents drop out after tonight

Rand Paul joked Tuesday that he hopes the Fox Business Network debate ends with him being the Republican presidential nominee.

“I’m hoping that after this, the rest of them will drop out and just let me be their nominee,” he told reporters in Milwaukee.

The Kentucky senator hosted a school choice roundtable at Shining Star Christian School hours before he was to take the stage. For the first time this cycle, Tuesday’s prime-time Republican debate in Milwaukee will feature just eight candidates from the unusually large field.

Paul praised the decision to allow 90 second answers for some questions.

“I hope I get asked some of those questions,” he joked.

But Paul said the point he aims to drive home most will be about government spending.

“The point that I will try to make tonight in the debates is that the biggest threat to our country is that we’re borrowing $1 million a minute,” he said.

America’s increasing debt is the fault of both parties, Paul said.

“The Right wants more money for the military without limits. The Left wants more money for domestic spending without limits. And they get together and they’re bankrupting the country,” he said.

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