Trump tears into Clinton over immigration criticism

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton on Tuesday over the Democratic frontrunner’s criticism of his immigration remarks, calling her “desperate” and a “failing candidate.”

The real estate mogul’s comments came one day after Clinton called out Trump during a speech at the National Council of La Raza in Kansas City, saying, “It was appalling to hear Donald Trump describe immigrants as drug dealers, immigrants and racists.”

“I have just one word for Mr. Trump: ‘Basta!’ Enough,” Clinton added.

It didn’t take long for the brash Trump to respond, accusing Clinton of lying about his comments.

“Failing candidate Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration,” Trump said in the statement.

Trump goes on to say that his comments were not intended to knock immigration, but is just “very critical of the country of Mexico for sending us people that they don’t want.”

“Hillary should spend more time producing her illegally hidden emails and less time trying to obfuscate a statement by me that is totally clear and obviously very much accepted by the public as true,” Trump said.

Trump’s remarks were a subtle reference to his recent lofty poll numbers. According to a CNN/ORC national poll released earlier this month, Trump and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush were the only two Republican contenders that have maintained support in the double-digits.

But in true Trump fashion, he didn’t stop with Clinton. He had more harsh words for Bush.

“I am honored, however, that she is attacking me, instead of Jeb Bush,” Trump said. “Obviously, she knows that JEB is no longer her real competition.”

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