Librarian of Congress closing 28 year chapter with retirement

After nearly three decades on the job, Librarian of Congress James H. Billington, will be stepping down as head of the world’s largest library.

Billington, who was sworn into office by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, is only the 13th librarian of Congress. He notified President Obama and members of congress of his decision in a statement Wednesday.

“Leading this great one-of-a-kind institution alongside all of you for nearly three decades has been the great honor and joy of my 42 years of public service in Washington, D.C.,” Billington said.

The 86-year-old Russian scholar is recognized for bringing the Library of Congress into the digital age but faced criticism in recent years for not being tech savvy enough.

In March, a U.S. Government Accountability Office report found that the Library did not have a “clear direction” for its use of information technology stating there were “significant weaknesses across several areas” impacting the library’s effectiveness. The year-long investigation also found Billington repeatedly ignored calls to hire a chief information officer for the library, which is required by law. The library had not had a permanent CIO overseeing information technology since 2012.

“Over the years I have been asked if I have been thinking about retiring; and the answer has always been ‘not really,’ because this Library has always been not just my job, but my life,” Billington said in a video message to his staff.

“However, I have never had more faith in the leadership and staff of the Library of Congress. The Library’s new, top management team is as deeply experienced, and creatively collegial, as any I have ever known, and I am confident that they will continue to innovate, adapt and improve on the work we have undertaken during my time as Librarian of Congress.”

Under Billington’s 28 year tenure the library collection size has roughly doubled from 85.5 million items in 1987 to over 160 million items today. Billington is credited with championed the library’s “American Memory” National Digital Library Program and the World Digital Library.

Thursday House Speaker John Boehner recognized Billington, calling him a “national treasure,” and saying “no one is held is higher esteem on Capitol Hill than James H. Billington. As kind as he is brilliant, Dr. Billington has revolutionized the Library of Congress and the American people’s relationship with it.”

Leader Nancy Pelosi also weighed in, hailing Billington in a press release, “Dr. James Hadley Billington’s unwavering commitment to scholarship helped steer the Library of Congress into the 21st century. For Dr. Billington, the pursuit of knowledge has been a life-long endeavor that is both integral to enriching our nation’s democracy and engaging with people across the nation and around the world.”

President Barack Obama is now tasked with finding Billington’s replacement, who will need then to be confirmed by the Senate.

Billington’s retirement is effective January 1, 2016.

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