DUBOIS – The Downtown DuBois Revitalization Group’s (DDRG) Beautification/Neighborhood Committee will meet at 12 p.m. June 3 at the Hitching Post.
Anyone interested in community improvement, both commercial and residential, is invited to attend the meeting.
Topics to be covered are: the completion of flower barrels with the middle school’s Garden Club, the mural project, neighborhood outreach and the Red Mission House projects, pending educational workshops and the planning for a large item pick-up in August.
New ideas are always encouraged by the DDRG. For more information or questions on this committee, please call Julie Stewart at 814-591-2570.
The DDRG is a state-recognized “Main Street program”, organized under the Department of Community and Economic Development and the Pennsylvania Downtown Center guidelines.
The “Main Street” concept is part of the nationwide effort to stabilize and revitalize the nation’s civic and economic hubs and urban centers using the National Trust for Historic Preservation Four-Point approach of combining a strong organization, design, promotions and economic restructuring.