Written and directed by Christopher Landon, “Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones” continues the theme of mysterious forces laying claim to unsuspecting victims. In the fifth installment of the lucrative franchise, Jesse (Andrew Jacobs) discovers an inhuman bite mark on his arm, seemingly a sign that he has become “marked.” As the ominous forces pursue Jesse, his family and friends attempt to ward off the dark spirits and save him.
Playing in limited release:
- Written and directed by Takeshi Kitano, “Beyond Outrage” also stars Kitano as a former Yakuza, who — after getting released from prison — enacts revenge against the Sanno-Kai crime syndicate.
- In “Open Grave,” a man (Copley) awakes in a hole full of dead bodies. With no memory of the event, he must determine if the murderer is among the strangers that came to his rescue or if he himself is the culprit.