CLEARFIELD – Lawrence Township Supervisor Glenn Johnston, chairman, reported at Tuesday night’s meeting that the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has ordered that Clearfield Municipal Authority take over the engineering and plans to resolve a 4 million gallon infiltration in the township’s sewage system.
Supervisor Ed Brown asked Supervisor William Lawhead if anything has been found in the physical inspections the township has conducted. Lawhead reported there are three leaky manholes in Fletcherville that are already known of and are scheduled for replacement. He said the smoke testing showed no major problems.
Johnston said the township has been working for more than a year trying to get a handle on the problem. He said they can account for 2 million of the 4 million gallon infiltration. He said the township engineers, Stiffler, McGraw & Associates have been working on the township’s sewage project but have not completed their plan.
The supervisors agreed to allow Stiffler, McGraw & Associates to release information to CMA engineers to take over the project, and to give permission to CMA to access the township’s right-of-ways, easements and private property as representatives of the township.
The supervisors heard from a resident of Charles Road in Golden Rod, asking that caution signs for “Children at Play” be replaced, and to point out the poor conditions of Charles Road. He said the road from U.S. Route 322 to Myers Circle “is a nightmare.”
Johnston said every year the road master reviews the township roads and prepares a list for roadwork based on how and how much the road is used, and how bad the condition of the road is. He said he would like to include input from the public on what roads they think need the most work.
Brown pointed out that one of the reasons the township has been able to do more road work this year is due to the Act 13 funding provided through the state from gas well tax and fee income. He said the money will be reinvested into the township’s infrastructure, as long as the funds are available.
The supervisors agreed to investigate the Charles Road issues and at least do some temporary repairs.
Police Chief Mark Brooks noted that in his report there has been a slight increase in assaults, and said he knew the cause, but did not want to give details. He also requested an executive session with the supervisors to discuss personnel issues.
Nancy Yarger offered her compliments to the supervisors and the Recreational Park Board for the “fantastic job” with the township park.
In other business, the supervisors approved:
- the sale of a property listed with tax claims on 67 Hoyts Ln. for $400, including any liens attached to the property.
- the transfer of PennVest funds being held for completion of a project into a higher interest account.
- the proposal from Lanager Landscape for $800 for landscape improvements at the Hyde building, to be completed with volunteer help.
- the payment of bills totaling $67,896.08.
Secretary Barbara Shaffner reported the township received county aid reimbursement for road salt totaling $11,021.13. She said they also received paperwork to apply for Dirt & Gravel Road funds through the conservation district.
Lawhead reported Coddles will begin tar and chipping projects the third week of July; Hawbaker will begin paving projects toward the end of July or the first week in August; and dust control treatments will begin as soon as it stops raining.
Being no other business, the supervisors adjourned to executive session with no plans for re-adjournment.