By Steve Harmic, Penn State
CLEARFIELD – A live performance of a play that attempts to educate the audience on issues surrounding Marcellus Shale is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, at the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center.
Modeled after an old fashioned radio show, Marcellus Shale: Living with Risk Can Give You Gas, is part of a Penn State research project that examines how we perceive and understand the risks, rewards and uncertainties in natural gas development. The research is supported by the National Science Foundation. The show will both educate and entertain, as it features songs, sketches and live music, in the format of the classic live radio shows of the past.
“We want to explore how people are responding to information about Marcellus Shale development and how they determine whether to trust that information,” said Bill Doan, Penn State professor of theatre.
The evening is also an opportunity for people to engage with several Penn State scientists with expertise in energy development and with the artists involved in the production.
Marcellus Shale: Living With Risk Can Give You Gas is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact William Doan, at, or 814-863-0408. You can also write to, or call 814-865-1587.