School-Based Mentoring matches 3rd 4th and 5th grade students with high school mentors, one-on-one, who meet as a group once a week after school at Wasson Elementary. A volunteer “Big Buddy” provides help with homework, plays social skill games, and most importantly offers an additional friendship to his or her “Little Buddy”. Big Brothers Big Sisters, a premier mentoring program, knows the power of mentoring! Mentoring makes a positive difference in the life of a child by developing the support youth need in meeting the social, emotional, and academic challenges of childhood and adolescence.
Pictured are Rachel Syktich and Lisa Doty from the DuBois Business College and High School volunteer Marissa Brennan with her Little Buddy Zech Harrison at Wasson Elementary School in DuBois. Individuals interested in hearing more information about the School -Based Mentoring program are encouraged to call 371-3668 ext 222, email or visit the website at