CLEARFIELD – There’s still time to throw your hat into the culinary arena at the Clearfield County Fair.
To start things off, Ethan’s Cafe and Angry Bean are sponsoring the “Amazing Appetizer” contest. The rules are as follows:
- All entries must be pre-registered, one entry per person. Registration forms must be received at the Clearfield County Fair office no later than 4 p.m. July 29 2011, registration forms may be mailed but have to be received by July 29, 2011.
- The contest is open to amateur contestants of all ages, must be a Pennsylvania resident.
- The individual contestant must make their own dish.
- All ingredients should be familiar to most people and available locally. Recipe should be creative, not a direct copy of a cookbook or magazine.
- The recipe must accompany the appetizer, can be hand written or typed on 8 ½”x 11” sheet of paper with contestants name, address and phone number on the back of the recipe.
- Appetizers should be presented on a disposable plate or container. Warming/Cooling dishes may be used; however the Clearfield County Fair and contest sponsors are not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items during the contest.
- Servings to accommodate a minimum 4 judges are required.
- Appetizer entry is due at the Grove Stage no later than 11:45 a.m. Monday August 1, 2011. Judging will take place at the Grove Stage.
Judging is based on the following criteria: flavor/taste (35 percent); originality (25 percent); appearance (25 percent); and ease of preparation (15 percent).
The first place winner will take home $50 and a rosette; second place $30 and a rosette; and third place $20 and a rosette.
Also new this year are two events sponsored by Sweat Art Bakery. The first is a Cake Decorating Contest. The rules are as follows:
- Open to any individual who is a Pennsylvania resident age 15 or older , that does not receive any income from baking/decorating (other than baking and cooking contests).
Judging will be based on the following criteria: taste, complexity of design, creativity within the theme and execution of design.
The first place winner will take home $100 and a rosette; second place $75 and a rosette; and third place $50 and a rosette.
Sweet Art Bakery is also sponsoring a Kids Cupcake Decorating Contest. The rules are as follows:
- Open to any Pennsylvania resident between the ages of 7-14.
- Cupcakes only. Decorating contest only, cupcakes may be made from scratch or a mix.
- The contestant must decorate the cupcake themselves.
- Entry may be a single decorated cupcake or a small group of cupcakes decorated as a single theme. Contest theme is “Fair Food”.
Judging will be based on the following: creativity within theme, level of difficulty and overall appearance.
The first place winner will take home $50 and a rosette; second place $30 and a rosette; and third place $15 and a rosette.
Preregistration forms, for both Sweet Art Contests will be accepted at the Clearfield County Fair Office until July 29 at 4 p.m. NO Exceptions. Culinary entry form from the official Clearfield County Fair Premium book may be used or a form can be picked up at the Sweet Art Bakery on the Clearfield County Fair Web site.
Judging for both contests will be held Aug. 1 at noon on the Grove Stage. Entries for both contests must arrive at the Grove stage no later than 11:45 a.m., Aug. 1.
Also featured this year is the King Arthur Flour Baking Contest. The contest is open to ages 8-17 and 18 and up. This contest will be held Aug. 1 at noon at the Grove Stage. The rules are as follows:
- Pre-registration is required (see below) and is due as follows: received by date: July 29 at 4:00 p.m. at the Clearfield County Fair Office. NO Exceptions. Entries to be at the Grove Stage no later than 11:45 a.m. Aug. 1. Judging will take place at the Grove Stage.
- Exhibitor must bring the opened bag of King Arthur Flour or submit a UPC label from the flour bag when he/she submits their entry the day of the contest. Entrant must be a Pennsylvania Resident.
- Entry must be a layered cake of any flavor made from scratch using King Arthur Flour.
***For Junior entries must be a plate of 6 cookies made from scratch using King Arthur Flour.
- Cake must be frosted, edible decorations are encouraged.
- All entries must be submitted on a disposable container/plate for judging.
- All entries must be accompanied with a recipe typed or hand written on 81/2” by 11” sheet of paper with contestant’s name, address and phone number on the back.
- Ingredients list must state King Arthur Flour.
Judging will be based on the following criteria: flavor (50 points); overall appearance (25 points); and texture (25 points).
The prices from King Arthur Flour are as follows:
Adult Category Junior Category
1st place: $75 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue 1st. place: $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue
2nd place: $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue 2nd place: $25 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalogue
3rd place: King Arthur Flour Large Tote Bag 3rd place: Brownie Pan