The LHU Clearfield Campus’ name is now in lights! We always knew it had potential, but to have it come to fruition is truly exciting! As we work towards strengthening our ties with area businesses and other institutions, we believe that adding this LED sign will provide us with an efficient mode of communication.
This will enable the LHU Clearfield campus to update students, advertise events open to the community and travelers, and publicize local area happenings and additional newsworthy information when needed.
The LED sign is approximately four feet wide and fourteen feet high. The Clearfield Educational Foundation is leading the fundraising efforts.
“We are truly grateful for the generosity of the Clearfield Educational Foundation, our alumni and the Clearfield community for enabling us to have this sign,” said Dr. Marianne Hazel, Interim Dean of the Clearfield Campus. “The number of donors is evidence of just how much our Clearfield community supports us. We hope that the LED sign will be of benefit to those on and off of our campus and is another way that we can partner with our Clearfield community.”
Matthew Checchio, Lock Haven Clearfield Campus