Curwensville Borough Hires Part-Time Police Officer

(GantDaily Graphic)

CURWENSVILLE – After overseeing a department of one the last few years, Curwensville Borough Police Chief Dave Johnston got a little help on Monday night. Curwensville Borough Council approved the hire of a part-time police officer with a vote of 5-1.

The part-time officer will work 16 hours a week, and will help with traffic control as well as other duties.

Before the vote, Council President Mark Curulla recommended the position be filled by Code Enforcement Officer Butch Auber. Council member Sam Ettaro asked if council was required to advertise for the part-time position, and their solicitor, Larry Seaman, indicated they did not.

“I would like to see it advertised,” said Council members Mike Komonczi, who stated that he knew someone who was interested in the possible job. 

“It seems like the right thing to do to cast the net out,” said Ettaro.

Curulla said that if they were to advertise the position, they would have to wait until February to make a hire, and it might not be until March that the person could start. He also stated that, while working in his code enforcement capacity, Auber, as an off-duty police officer, could cite and make arrests if the need arose. Ettaro stated that Curulla made a valid point.

Council member Julie Girardi made the motion to hire Butch Auber as a part-time police officer, with Larry O’Dell seconding. Fred Sopic, , Curulla, Girardi, Ettaro and O’Dell voted to for the motion, with Komonczi voting against.

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