CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough’s Public Safety Committee had several items on their agenda for approval at Thursday evening’s meeting.
At the top of the agenda was a motion to approve a sign change at the Market Street and Weaver Street intersection, moving the stop sign and placing a barrier to signify single lane traffic for a period of 60 days, after which it will be reassessed.
Council member Jim Kling made a motion to approve and was seconded by John Naddeo.
Chief of Police Jeff Rhone said that he met with three representatives from Fullington Bus Company and they think the change is a “very good idea”.
Council approved the request for an open house for the fire department and police department on May 8 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Council approved the request to close streets in the driving park, including Stadium Drive and Park Drive, on May 7 through May 9 for the Pennsylvania Wilds Outdoor Sportsman Show.
A motion to approve to change the alley, Martin Street, located behind Sheetz from School Avenue to Zimmerman Avenue to a “One Way” residential only alley was defeated. Instead, council approved that the alley be changed to allow only residential traffic and prohibit all commercial vehicles from driving on it. This change will affect the alley from Williams Street to Krebs Avenue.