The Clearfield Revitalization Corporation, (CRC) implements the Main Street Revitalization Approach in Clearfield. The approach consists of 4-basic steps: Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring and Organization.
Last time, I focused on the design step and the importance of the overall image of our downtown. The Design Committee led a workshop on Feb. 3 focusing on the design standards of our Design Challenge Grant for Storefronts and Facades. If you were unable to attend but interested on how you can save up to $5,000 on your storefront improvement, stop by my office and pick up a copy of our guidelines and an application. All applications for the first funding round are due Feb. 24 to the Main Street Office or mailed to the CRC, P.O. Box 75, Clearfield, PA 16830. If you have questions, I encourage you to contact me, personally, at 765-6000 or via e-mail at
Now, let’s focus on the next step of Main Street: Promotion. Promotion is more than just marketing the brand and image of your downtown, but also coordinating special events and retail promotions.
Special Events are simply any event that brings people into your downtown. Great examples of this are parades, races or a festival. Why is it important for a downtown to have special events? If there is no opportunity (event) for people to come into our downtown, then there is absolutely zero chance that these people will walk into any of our businesses. From a business standpoint, a special event is what YOU make of it. For example, if one sits back and lets the parade move by without opening its door and offering people on the street a discount, something educational or snacks (depending on the business), then one will not benefit from the special event and will not take advantage of the opportunity. Instead, one will go back and spend countless money on marketing and advertising, for those same people to return to its business. Show people a good experience with your business and make them feel welcome, and they will remember you next time they need your product or service. Take advantage of the opportunity and you’ll reap the rewards. From the community standpoint, the strength of your town depends on your participation and support of these events. Stay local, and your local community is bound to give back to you in one form or another.
Retail Promotions work like a special event, by bringing people into the downtown; however, this takes it one step further and gets people in the doors of the businesses. A prime example of this is a scavenger hunt between downtown merchants. Please keep in mind, the purpose of retail promotions is not to push “purchase-only” events, but to welcome people into your business for a fun activity. This way, they have the option to purchase then and there, or to come back on a later date for your service. The success of a retail promotion is also what YOU make of it. If your business offers something fun, educational or a great experience, your customers be spreading positive WOM (word of mouth) and you’ll be spending less marketing and advertising dollars to bring customers back in your store. On average, it costs a business seven times more to bring in a new customer than an existing customer. The choice is yours on the success of retail promotions, and in many Main Street communities, these are found to be very successful.
All in all, the CRC Promotions Committee is in the planning process for special events and retail promotions for Downtown Clearfield. Please keep your eyes and ears open for more information from the CRC for upcoming events. Remember, these are opportunities for your business to network, grow and gain potential life-time customers, and an opportunity for the community to get involved and show support.
Clearfield Revitalization Corporation, (CRC)“Leading the Revitalization of the All-American People, Places and Spirit of Clearfield, PA.”