The week of Nov. 15-21 is the annual celebration of American Education Week (AEW). This celebration spotlights the importance of providing every child with a quality public education, and the need for everyone to do his or her part in making public schools great. This year’s theme for AEW is Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility.
AEW is also is a time to reflect upon and celebrate those who dedicate their lives to educating our children. For public school educators, teaching is not just a career, it is a calling. Educators don’t get into the education field to get rich or to enjoy a stress-free life. Teachers choose the education profession because they are driven to make a difference in the lives of others.
In October, a 32-year veteran teacher of the Bellefonte public schools passed away. Wanda Garbrick was like many of her colleagues — dedicated to her students and to the education profession. In addition to her teaching duties as a reading specialist and an English as a Second Language teacher in Bellefonte, Mrs. Garbrick volunteered hundreds of hours to the district’s drama program and to the cause of building stronger community-school relations through her work with the Public Educators of Centre County- PSEA.
At Mrs. Garbrick’s viewing, the line of those who had come to pay their respects reached out the doors for several hours. Students, community members and leaders, family and friends gathered to offer their thanks for the dedication and sacrifice of this special public school teacher. One student said that Mrs. Garbrick was one of the few people in his life who demanded and believed in him. She changed his life forever.
AEW is a wonderful opportunity to take the time to personally thank those public school teachers, like Mrs. Garbrick, who every day provide a positive influence in our lives. They challenge us, believe in us, and support us to be better people.
One important way we can support our teachers is by joining the call for continued strong financial support for Pennsylvania’s public schools. With adequate funds, school boards are able to hire the best and the brightest teachers to serve our children, as well as to fund programs and provide necessary resources for our teachers to use in the classroom.
In this year’s budget, legislators showed their commitment to our children and public schools by increasing school funding by over $300 million. As we face another tough battle ahead for school funding, please join our voices in thanking our legislators for their commitment to public education and asking them to continue their support next year.
Great public schools are a basic right and our responsibility.
Brad Siegfried
President, Philipsburg Osceola Education Association
President, Central Region PSEA