HARRISBURG – State Rep. Camille “Bud” George, D-74 of Houtzdale, said the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority – Pennvest – approved a $3.85 million, low-interest loan for Lawrence Twp. to upgrade its sanitary sewer system.
“The project will eliminate raw sewage discharges into Clearfield, Montgomery and Moose creeks and ultimately improve the water quality of the Susquehanna River,” said George, a charter member of Pennvest. “The improvements also will reduce sewage backups in residents’ basements and reduce overflows within the Clearfield Municipal Authority system.”
Sixty construction jobs will be created by the nine-month project, which is expected to begin later this summer. More than 27,700 feet of deteriorating and collapsed sewer line will be replaced as well as manholes and other system apparatus.
George said the township is under a consent agreement to upgrade the system, which has 2,267 connections serving roughly 5,400 residents.
“The project will improve the safety and efficiency of the system for residents of both the township and Clearfield Borough,” George said.
The $3,855,000 loan will be at 1.27 percent for the first five years and 2.50 percent for the remaining 15 years.
Pennvest also approved $142,380 in federal economic stimulus funding for Ferguson Twp. to rehabilitate 2.4 miles along three dirt-and-gravel roads. The project would reduce dust, sediment entering streams and run-off, and improve water absorption and recharge.