LTE: Meet the Candidates

To the editor:

Thank you for your “Meet the 74th Legislative District Candidates” article. It was clear that both candidates want economic relief and prosperity for the residents of the 74th District. However, the incumbent, Rep. Camille “Bud” George, responded in the lengthy oratory of a career politician and, in doing so, brought forth some points to ponder as Election Day draws near.

In his response to the question “What is your vision of Clearfield County’s future? How does the county get there?” Mr. George stated, “Another key is the development of industry-ready sites such as Clearfield Firemen’s Commerce Park to build and bolster economic expansion and to take advantage of our geographic advantages.” Good answer, Mr. George, but your vote in favor of tolling of I-80 was a vote against our economic well-being. Your actions speak louder than your words.

I also found two of Mr. George’s other comments as being noteworthy—although I find them applicable to issues I’m sure he’d rather not discuss. He said, “Moreover, I will always strive for policies that benefit the vast majority of Pennsylvanians rather than the favored few and the special interests.” Really?? Think about Pennsylvania’s self-serving and corrupt legislature, and how it has evolved into one of the most expensive in the nation. Mr. George’s actions tell us that he is one of many legislators who place themselves at the top of the list of their special interests and favored few, as he has not supported much-needed reform in Harrisburg. He also said, “I hope this time we have finally learned what President Franklin Roosevelt said more than 80 years ago, “We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we now know that it is bad economics.” Very true of the current national economic crisis, but also a very fitting statement about the 2005 late-night legislative pay grab, a greed-driven conspiracy in which he was a major player.

Mr. George sees “a vibrant Clearfield County” and says, “It is morning in Clearfield County. We have learned from past mistakes.” Voters need to remember that one particular area of Clearfield County — DuBois, which is in the 75th District — has thrived, while the 74th District progressively fell into a deep sleep during Rep. Camille “Bud” George’s 34 year tenure.

I certainly hope that it is, indeed, “morning” in the 74th District, and that the electorate has finally opened their eyes. Have they learned from their past mistakes? We’ll find out on Tuesday.

Brenda Kennedy

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