Professor Recognized for Work at Penn State DuBois

DUBOIS – The Penn State DuBois PLCB/PSU Partnership for Prevention recently recognized Dr. Larry Forthun for his many contributions to the prevention of alcohol and other drug use among college students. He was presented with a plaque for his exceptional service from 1999 until this year.

Formed in 1998, the Partnership for Prevention is comprised of students, faculty, staff and interested community members. The group’s goal is to address student’s health and wellness issues which significantly affect the campus community. They’ve actively addressed alcohol use among college students, helping to reduce incidence of high risk, underage alcohol use.

An Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State DuBois, Dr. Forthun’s contributions to the Partnership for Prevention include research on high risk behaviors among young people. Much of his work has appeared in nationally distributed publications.

This year, Dr. Forthun has accepted a position at the University of Florida.

“We offer this award to Dr. Forthun to thank him for his dedication and all the work he has so successfully demonstrated with out students,” said Campus Nurse, Libby Hoover. “We wish him the best.”

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