Clearfield STARZ All-Star Cheerleading is heading to Florida to represent the region at the NASCC National Championships. The Competition runs from March 9-11,2007 in Walt Disney World, Florida. This will be the 3rd year in a row that Clearfield STARZ has competed national level. STARZ Youth Team and Senior team won bids at a Super Regional Qualifier at Slippery Rock University on December 10. STARZ is a competitive all-star cheerleading organization with squad members from Clearfield, Curwensville, West Branch, Frenchville, DuBois, Reynoldsville and Brockway. The STARZ Youth is coached by Canace Carns and JoDee Day, The STARZ Senior team is coached by Jill Keller and Jill Thomas, More information on STARZ is available at