Diehl Elected to Presidency of Hospital Auxiliary

CLEARFIELD – Mary Sue Diehl of Clearfield was unanimously elected president of the Clearfield Hospital Auxiliary during the organization’s annual meeting held Sept. 12 at the Clearfield-Curwensville Country Club.

Diehl has been a member of the auxiliary for 32 years. During those years, she served as chairwoman of the bloodmobile and basket bingo projects, and chaired the Charity Ball for the last four years. She also assists with the organization’s other fundraisers and programs.

In her acceptance speech, Diehl thanked the auxiliary for its confidence in her, and said she had “some big shoes to fill,” referring to past presidents, including her mother, Mary Diehl; sister, Betsy Long; and the most recent president, Suzanne Mosch.

“I’m honored to serve as your president, and proud to be a part of an organization that does so much to help others,” she said.

Diehl presented gifts to Mosch in recognition of her service as president, and Ginny Johnson, another past president, for her service to the auxiliary.

Other officers are Gigi Gearhart, president-elect; Donna Shaw, vice president; Joanne Duttry, recording secretary; Theda Jean Lawhead, corresponding secretary; Gail Adams, treasurer; and Lorna Simcox, assistant treasurer. All will serve three-year terms.

The officers pledged to uphold the auxiliary’s mission, which is to support the hospital and its patients by providing funds for special projects and volunteer programs.

Adams gave the financial report for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, and ending June 30. She noted proceeds from The Cottage, the hospital gift shop that is operated by the auxiliary, amounted to $20,000. The 2005 Charity Ball realized a profit of $11,000.

Among the disbursements was a $50,000 donation to offset costs of the obstetrics unit renovation project currently under way. Kathy Simmons, RN, MS, unit manager, provided an update on the renovations. The project involves the addition of four labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum suites.

Construction should be finished in a few weeks, Simmons said. The renovated unit will be named the Armstrong Birthing Center in honor of B. Ellen “Bert” Armstrong, retired unit manager, who devoted 49 years to Clearfield Hospital obstetrics.

Also addressing the membership was Robert B. Murray III, president and CEO. He thanked members for their hard work and dedication.

“I’m in awe of the auxiliary and how much it does for Clearfield Hospital. The auxiliary plays a vital role in enabling us to fulfill our mission, which is to provide quality and compassionate health care. I can’t think of a more humble, or positive, group of people,” Murray noted.

He touched on recent developments at the hospital, including the opening of the Nathaniel D. Yingling, M.D., Cancer Center, and planned upgrades to the cardiac catheterization department.

The auxiliary then recapped its achievements during the year. Among them:

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