How to spot the signs of alcohol poisoning — and what to do

Knowing the difference between intoxication and alcohol poisoning

Dr. David Rupprecht (Provided photo).

By David Rupprecht, MD, Emergency Department medical director at Geisinger Lewistown Hospital

When does intoxication cross the line into alcohol poisoning?

Knowing the difference between these two conditions could help you save a life.

Alcohol poisoning happens when someone drinks too much alcohol in a short time. But a person with alcohol poisoning is more than tipsy. They may show symptoms like vomiting, difficulty breathing, seizures and a dangerously low body temperature, signs that this is a life-threatening situation. 

Getting help right away by calling 911 can mean the difference between recovery and coma or even death. 

So, make the call immediately — even if you’re underage or worried about legal consequences. Learn more about Good Samaritan laws in Pennsylvania

How do you get alcohol poisoning?

It doesn’t happen after one or two drinks. And if you drink a moderate amount of alcohol, over many hours with food and water, you’ll likely avoid it.

You may be more likely to get alcohol poisoning because of:

Some people believe certain drinks are less likely to cause alcohol poisoning. The reality is, most alcoholic drinks have the same effect, just with different amounts of liquid. 

Here’s a breakdown of drinks that contain the same amount of alcohol:

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

How do you know if someone has alcohol poisoning versus being drunk? A drunk person may be talkative or active, while someone who has overdosed will generally feel sick, confused and weak. 

Common signs of alcohol poisoning include:

What to do if someone has signs of alcohol poisoning

If your friend or loved one shows any symptoms, it’s time to intervene. First, call 911 for emergency help. Waiting for paramedics? Take these steps:

Choking is one of the biggest concerns. Your body’s natural response is to throw up, but alcohol also reduces your gag reflex. These two things combined increase the risk of choking on your own vomit.

Act fast. Alcohol poisoning is life-threatening and symptoms can get worse quickly.

Don’t assume someone is fine sleeping it off. Alcohol in the stomach and intestines continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate through the body even after a person stops drinking.

What’s the difference between alcohol poisoning and a hangover?

Time and symptoms are the biggest difference between alcohol poisoning and hangovers. Hangovers happen hours after drinking and include the following symptoms:

You can reduce the effects of a hangover by eating a balanced meal high in potassium (think bananas, leafy greens, beans, nuts, dairy and starchy vegetables) and drinking water. 

Alcohol poisoning, on the other hand, can’t be treated with rest, food, coffee or other home remedies. Instead, treatments focus on keeping vital signs stable and staying hydrated. At a hospital, this is typically done through an IV to bypass the stomach.

Getting someone medical attention is the best way to help. At the hospital, we can reduce the long-term effects of alcohol poisoning while making sure recovery is as fast and safe as possible. 

The bottom line: Excessive or binge drinking can be dangerous. Keep in mind that alcohol affects everyone differently and knowing the signs of alcohol poisoning can save someone’s life — maybe even your own. 

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