DuBois and Sandy Twp. Fire Depts. Initiate Consolidation Process

The municipal building of the City of DuBois, Pennsylvania. Min Xian / Spotlight PA

DUBOIS – The DuBois/Sandy Consolidation Fire Department Subcommittee announced Wednesday that the DuBois City and Sandy Township fire departments have unanimously agreed on communication plans moving forward.

Their request consists of three main points, including that:

These changes would also include the conversion of the current Sandy Township fire channel into a regional fire channel, and use of a new tower location for a regional fire channel. 

The next step involves a formal request to Clearfield County 911 and the Clearfield County Commissioners; however, the subcommittee wanted Consolidation Joint Board approval first, which was granted.

The team conducting the consolidation fire study has also made its first visit to the DuBois area, including to four of its nine fire stations. Their remaining site visits will be done Sept. 25.

Architect Update

The board also reported that design plans are progressing with relation to the city municipal puilding.

The “75 percent design” meeting for building renovations was completed last week and the “90 percent design” meeting will take place next week. 

Township/City Manager Shawn Arbaugh said that under the current project schedule, bids will be requested on Sept. 9.

Arbaugh said there’s likely to be “growing pains,” including with the conversion of the current conference room into office space, and the temporary relocation of public meetings.

Little League Proclamation

On Wednesday, the Joint Board recognized the DuBois Junior League All Stars team, which won the Eastern Regional Championship for the first time in 22 years.

According to the proclamation read by Sandy Township Supervisor Barry Abbott, it was only the third time DuBois had a winning team in the Little League World Series.

The recognized players included:

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