Clearfield S.D. To Consider Superintendent’s Rating

CLEARFIELD – Next week Clearfield school board members will consider approval of a “satisfactory” rating for Superintendent Terry Struble for the 2023-24 school year.

Struble was hired by the district in 2013. His current five-year contract runs through June 30, 2028, according to previously-published reports.

Board members completed evaluative questionnaires of Struble’s performance, which were subsequently reviewed by board President Greg Clarke and Vice President Shawna Rothrock.

“We received [feedback] from each of the board members and reviewed it very carefully, very thoroughly—question by question, answer by answer,” said Clarke at Monday night’s committee meeting.

“The overwhelming response was indeed satisfactory, … and in fact there were several comments that were very kind, very receptive to the work our superintendent has done.”

Clarke, however, said he’s received specific instruction from the district’s solicitor that the board isn’t “officially” permitted to add any extra verbage to the rating beyond satisfactory.

“I wish we could include some additional comments, but the public statement must only bare one sentence, and so we thank you, Mr. Struble, for your service.”

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