Cheatle Resigns After Florida Rep Calls for Criminal, Contempt Charges

U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Florida U.S. House Oversight Committee via Youtube

By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square contributor

(The Center Square) – The director of the U.S. Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned on Tuesday after Democrats and Republicans called for her to step down or be fired for the agency’s failure to protect former President Donald Trump from a would-be assassin on July 13.

Cheatle’s resignation Tuesday came after U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Florida, asked the chairman of the U.S. House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer, R-Kentucky, to consider bringing criminal charges for perjury and contempt against her, saying she believes Cheatle lied under oath and was obstructing a congressional investigation.

Luna asked Cheatle a series of follow-up questions after hearing what she said were dishonest answers the director gave to her colleagues or conflicted with reports she received from law enforcement.

When asked about if, and who, the alleged shooter was working with, to confirm or deny there was another shooter and how many, Cheatle said she believed he was acting alone.

In response to Luna asking, “have you been made aware of multiple eyewitness reporting that there was a second shooter on a water tower,” Cheatle replied, “I do not have any information related to any second shooter.”

“The reason I ask that is because according to testimony from multiple witnesses, they did report that, and again, to my understanding, there were over 40 sniper teams that were briefed by the Butler ESU,” Luna said.

She then asked if it was true “that Secret Service was present at the Butler ESU briefing?”

“There was a briefing between the counter sniper teams and those working on the ground,” Cheatle replied. “Was Secret Service present?” Luna asked. “Yes, to my knowledge,” Cheatle replied.

Luna then read a report she received from officials, “from people that seem to be throwing you under the bus who stated that they were in attendance and that Secret Service was not in attendance at the security briefing according to individuals with knowledge.” This also includes the AGR building where the alleged shooter was located, which “was actually not a part of their security perimeter … there was no Secret Service present.”

She also referred to a question asked by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., about whether Secret Service was aware of a threat. In response, under oath, “you had said, ‘no they were unaware of a threat.’

“And yet, according to communications again from law enforcement that were in some of these group chats, they actually had reported, ‘Secret Service was made aware of a threat at around 5:59 PM as a part of the command, including Secret Service was aware of messages and requests about information about the suspects location.’”

Luna again asked Cheatle if she was aware of that. Cheatle replied that members of Congress were “conflating the difference between the term ‘threat’ and ‘suspicious.’”

“But you guys did have knowledge at 5:59 PM according to those group chats did you not?” Luna countered. Cheatle replied, “of a suspicious individual.”

In response, Luna told Cheatle, “I feel that you have perjured yourself in some instances. I’m going to ask for a full review of the transcripts by staff and if they find that to be the case,” turning to Comer, said, “I do ask that you bring perjury charges against the director.”

Listening to Cheatle’s nonanswers or refusal to questions “is very frustrating,” she said. “I’ve talked to my colleagues, and we’ve said it to your face, that you … are basically stonewalling our ability to get the answers to the American people.

“Every single member of Congress does not feel safe with you in charge. We are all sitting ducks with you directing the Secret Service.”

In response to Cheatle earlier saying she would submit a report of the agency’s findings in 60 days, Luna said that “is unacceptable” and enough to bring contempt charges against her.

“I’m sure that you know that we brought a vote on inherent contempt [of Congress] against [Attorney General Merrick] Garland for essentially blocking a congressional investigation and I don’t think that you should be any different,” she said.

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