Tips for Keeping Your Community Park Clean and Safe

Safe and clean community parks allow everyone to enjoy the surroundings, knowing everything is well cared for when spending time with friends and family.

Community parks are great places to gather, meet friends, and allow children to get rid of their energy. Unfortunately, some parks aren’t in the best shape, making city residents hesitant about spending time there. If you’re concerned about your community park and want to keep it in the best shape, check out these tips for keeping your community park clean and safe.

Add Trash Cans

The number of trash cans your park needs depends on the size of the property. Garbage bins should be spread around the park so guests can easily spot them. Providing waste bins at your community park can reduce the chances of littering. Additionally, don’t let them overflow, and give them a deep clean every spring.

Take Care of Playground Equipment

Many community parks have playgrounds, which are great for children. These areas require special care so they are safe for the kids playing on them. You should inspect playground equipment often—on a weekly, monthly, and bi-annual basis—to catch safety issues. Here are some tasks you can perform to care for the playscape:

Post Signage

Signs at a park point people in the right direction to a path or play area. They are also helpful in reminding everyone of what time the park opens and closes.

Trim the Grass and Landscaping

When keeping a community park safe and clean, hire a service that maintains the grass and landscaping. Overgrown grass and foliage can leave the park looking unkempt and lead to parkgoers tripping and falling.


If the park allows early morning and evening hours, then it should have lighting in the parking lot and around the premises. Check light fixtures regularly, and replace bulbs as soon as they burn out.

A safe and clean community park brings families and neighbors together. Make the extra effort so your neighborhood has a park that lasts generations!


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