Different Types of Screen Printing Techniques

Create custom designs with the right screen printing technique. Learn about water, plastisol and glitter printing to pick the perfect option for your project.

When it comes to customizing garments, screen printing has become a popular choice for many. This versatile method of printing offers various techniques for creating unique and beautiful apparel. Whether you want to personalize T-shirts, tote bags, posters or other items, understanding different screen printing techniques will allow you to choose the right approach for your project. Explore three different types of screen printing techniques to help you determine the one that is best suited for your needs.

Water-Based Screen Printing

Water-based screen printing is an excellent choice for those looking for an eco-friendly and soft-feel print. This technique utilizes inks that are water-soluble and free of harmful chemicals, making it a more sustainable option. Additionally, water-based screen printing offers a soft and breathable finish. The printed design becomes part of the fabric rather than sitting on top of it, resulting in a more comfortable garment.

It’s important to note that water-based screen printing works best on natural fibers such as cotton, and it might not produce the same results on synthetic materials like polyester. Furthermore, this technique may not deliver the same vibrancy and opacity in prints compared to plastisol-based screen printing.

Plastisol-Based Screen Printing

Another type of screen printing technique you may want to consider is plastisol-based screen printing. This technique utilizes inks that contain a thermoplastic to create a striking and durable print. Plastisol-based screen printing is versatile, allowing it to work well on a variety of fabrics, including cotton and polyester blends.

The main drawback of plastisol-based screen printing is the feel of the printed design. Since the ink sits on top of the fabric, it can create a more rigid and thicker texture compared to water-based screen printing. However, this same quality makes plastisol prints more resistant to cracking, fading or peeling.

Glitter Screen Printing

Add some sparkle to your designs with glitter screen printing. This technique utilizes glitters that come in various colors and sizes, allowing you to create eye-catching prints for your garments. Glitter screen printing is best suited for natural fabrics, as synthetic materials tend to limit the vibrancy of the glitter. This method also provides a more durable finish, making it suitable for clothes worn during outdoor events or activities.

However, glitter screen printing can be quite expensive and time-consuming. The glitters used in this technique tend to be pricier than regular inks, and the process of applying them requires extra attention to detail. Additionally, glitter screen printing can also create a stiffer feel on the fabric due to its heavier texture.

These three techniques are some of the more popular types of screen printing, but they aren’t the only options available. You should also know about discharge printing—which involves bleaching dye out of a fabric—for example.

When selecting a screen printing technique for your next project, consider factors like the type of fabric you’re using, the desired print feel and the colors involved. By understanding the different techniques available, you can choose the method that best suits your needs to achieve stunning results.


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