What Beginners Should Know About Hunting Predators

When you want to be like Dutch and hunt a predator, there are a few things you need to know. Read on to discover how you can hunt predators!

When you want to introduce a little spice into your favorite hobby, you might stop hunting deer for a while and start going after a creature that’s a little more bloodthirsty. We’ve got the tips you need to kick off your predator-hunting career the right way! Read on to learn what beginners should know about hunting predators.

Bring Extra Protection

Whenever you decide to hunt a predator, make sure you have someone else willing to take on the same risk — you should always hunt predators with a buddy. Even though humans are the smarter animals, things can go wrong when you don’t respect the creatures you’re hunting, especially when their lives are on the line.

In addition to a friend, it’s never a bad idea to have a weapon ready for close combat. Bring your rifle, but also take a pistol just in case a creature manages to get in close.

Scout During the Daytime

Quite often (like when hunting coyotes, for example), the best time to hunt predators is at night. However, you shouldn’t leave your scouting for nightfall — make sure you tread the ground with daylight on your side. This will give you a good sense of the geography and create a mental map for you to use when the sun sets.

Make sure to keep an eye out for things like unsafe shooting directions — don’t shoot in the direction of a road or structure.

Calling Predators

Calling predators like bobcats or coyotes is a tricky business, but it can make all the difference. We recommend bringing an electric call along with you. While making your own calls is a great option, you’ll get out of breath in no time unless you have the lungs of Michael Phelps.

Now that you understand what beginners should know about hunting predators, remember that safety is the most important thing. Have fun out there, but be smart — your prey kills for a living!

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