Scam Reminder: Fraudsters Impersonate Department of Revenue in Letters Targeting Pennsylvania Businesses

Harrisburg, PA – The Department of Revenue continues to warn Pennsylvanians of a new scam in which fraudsters are sending phony letters to Pennsylvania business owners to try to trick them into turning over their accounting records. The fraudulent letters include the Department of Revenue’s name and logo, leading the recipients of the letter to believe that they are under investigation for failing to pay Pennsylvania taxes.

“This is another example of the fact that fraudsters are working every day on scams just like this one so that they can steal from hardworking Pennsylvanians,” Revenue Secretary Dan Hassell said today as he appeared at a news conference in the Capitol Media Center. “We want to do everything that we can to help educate the public so that they know how to identify scams like this one and take the appropriate steps to protect themselves.”

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