Grants Available for Sustainable Energy Research and Development Projects, Construction or Renovation of a Green Building in PA

JOHNSTOWN – The Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund has grants available for two projects in Pennsylvania, including:

· A grant of up to $240,000 to support an applied research and development project in the areas served by the Met-Ed and Penelec electric companies.

· A grant of up to $230,000 to support the construction of a green, sustainable, and/or natural building or the renovation of an existing building using these energy efficiency principals in the areas served by Met-Ed and Penelec.

Applications for each grant opportunity are due Oct. 15, 2021.

The research and development project

The Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund has one grant of up to $240,000 to support an applied research and development project in the areas served by the Met-Ed and Penelec electric companies.

The goal of this funding is to support a project that drives down energy consumption and closes the gap on the cost difference between traditional energy technologies and renewables, thereby making renewables a more attractive option for new infrastructure investments across the Commonwealth.

The Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund aims to support projects that test and/or pilot technologies and applications, not building retrofits or system/component installations.

To be considered, a project should impact at least one of the following categories:

· Battery storage tied to renewables and/or resiliency

· Grid resiliency with an emphasis on advanced controls for economically integrating renewables into the grid

· Hydroelectric power

· Carbon capture and storage, with an emphasis on projects that repurpose the carbon in a way that decreases energy consumption

· Other breakthrough technology resulting in a significant reduction of kilowatt hours, driving down energy consumption

All applicants must be located in Pennsylvania and fit into one of the following categories:

· Educational institutions

· Applied research centers

· Early-stage start-ups (new LLCs or branches of existing corporations, not individuals)

To learn more and/or apply, use the Access Code R&DRFP2021 at this link:

The green, sustainable and/or natural building project

The Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund has one grant of up to $230,000 available to support the construction of a green, sustainable and/or natural building or the renovation of an existing building using these energy efficiency principals.

The project must be located within the territories served by the Met-Ed or Penelec electric companies in Pennsylvania. Projects located in rural communities or economically distressed downtowns will be given priority.

The goal of the funding is to support a project that showcases the cost savings and energy savings inherent in applying green, sustainable and/or natural building techniques in a community where the building can serve as an example to others.

All applicants must be located in Pennsylvania and be a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, educational institution, governmental entity, economic development agency or religious institution.

Funding will be available no later than Dec. 31, 2021.

All grant funds must be expended within three years of the award date, or within a shorter, mutually agreed-upon timeframe acceptable to both the Met-Ed / Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund Advisory Committee and the applicant.

Apply here:

Further information

More information, as well as maps and zip codes of areas serviced by Met-Ed and Penelec, are available at or Or go to, click on “Our Work” in the menu and choose “Sustainable Energy Fund.”

The Met-Ed/Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund is administered by Berks County Community Foundation and the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.

For further information, contact one of the following staff members whose location is closer to your organization and/or project:

· Angie Berzonski, Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, Johnstown, Pa.:, 814-315-2982

· Heidi Williamson, Berks County Community Foundation, Reading, Pa.:, 610-685-2223

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