Find Regionally-made Wares, Experiences from Home During Oct. 24-25 PA Wilds Makers Market

Online shopping experience features live demos, tours, more

If you’re looking for a gift or locally-sourced ware, be sure to tune into PA Wilds Makers Market on Oct. 24-25.

This online shopping experience is designed to help you ‘find your next Wild thing,’ specifically hand-crafted products and services in the Pennsylvania Wilds.

Businesses and organizations in the Wilds Cooperative of PA — a network of rural entrepreneurs from across the Pennsylvania Wilds — will be participating in an online show throughout Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 24-25.

The artisans and entrepreneurs will share demonstrations, tours and information on their hand-crafted products live between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. both days.

Many businesses have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 mitigation efforts and mandatory closures and social distancing guidelines. This is particularly true of service sector businesses and establishments, organizations and events that rely on foot traffic.

“We held our first-ever virtual PA Wilds Makers Market in July on Facebook and had such positive reviews from both members of the WCO and the public who participated that we wanted to offer another online sales opportunity in the fall,” said Abbi Peters, EVP of Operations at the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc., the non-profit that manages the WCO and related programs for the PA Wilds region.

“COVID-19 has had a significant impact on artisan events, the travel industry, and so many small businesses. We hope these events help our rural creative entrepreneurs find new markets.”

The event will feature live business spotlights, including demonstrations or tours; videos; and live and interactions with business owners.

Meet the Participating Businesses

For more information and to learn more about all the participating businesses, visit

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