Clearfield County Moving Forward with Infirmary Project at CCJ

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County is moving forward with the construction of an infirmary unit at the Clearfield County Jail.

On Tuesday, the board of commissioners voted to accept a proposal from Vanguard for construction and installation of a pre-fabricated, modular infirmary unit with three isolation rooms at a cost of $197,792.

It was noted there may be a change order later for any permitting, electrical and plumbing work that needs to be completed but that’s not included in the current project cost.

Lisa Kovalick, county development specialist, has met with representatives of the construction firm, and they did a walk-through of the jail property with the warden.

The infirmary would house any inmate who is infected with either the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) or other communicable disease(s).

“It would separate the inmate from the rest of the population to help mitigate the spread,” said Commissioner Chairman Tony Scotto at the Sept. 8 board meeting.

It was noted that infirmary would be a negative-pressure unit so that its air flow would be separate from the rest of the facility.

On Tuesday Solicitor Heather Bozovich said the unit is necessary with the influx of inmates at jail as well as in the county’s COVID-19 numbers. “For those coming in, there’s not a place to quarantine.

“This will help with that as well as with those who are on work release, come back and need to quarantine. This just provides a safety option for us out there.”

Scotto said the county plans to use Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to construct the infirmary, and the unit is tentatively expected to be completed by Dec. 31.

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