BREAKING: Clearfield Commissioners to Adamson: Find More “Suitable, Qualified” Deputy Controller


CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Commissioners on Wednesday issued a statement, calling on Controller Tom Adamson to find a more “suitable and qualified” candidate to work as his new deputy controller.

On Tuesday Mark Michael of Clearfield was hired as the county’s deputy controller in the Controller’s office, effective Monday, Aug. 24, despite having been convicted and spending time in prison for his involvement in a $3.6 million check-kiting scheme.

Clearfield County Commissioners John A. Sobel, Tony Scotto, board chairman, and Dave Glass released the following statement to local news media on Adamson’s decision to hire Michael:

“It has recently come to our attention that the new Deputy Controller, Mark Michael, was convicted of bank fraud in 2013. We were unaware of this when his name was submitted to us on Tuesday by County Controller [Tom] Adamson.

“However, we note that under the Pennsylvania County Code, elected officials have discretion over hiring and firing in their own departments, and we had no reason to question Controller Adamson’s request at that time.

“We are deeply disappointed in Controller Adamson’s judgment on this issue. We support the notion that people who make a mistake deserve redemption, and we would consider Mr. Michael for other positions within county government.

“However, a felony or serious misdemeanor in an area related to one’s position (such as, in this case, bank fraud) should disqualify one from holding a financial position – particularly when the position involves the handling of taxpayer funds and the corresponding level of trust that comes with those duties.

“We also strongly disagree with Controller Adamson’s statement that Mr. Michael ‘will not have any financial responsibility.’ “Under the County Code, if the controller is absent, the deputy controller assumes all of the duties of the controller. This specifically includes ‘maintaining a full and regular set of financial records, including the general ledger.’

“The Controller’s Office also interacts with the county employee pension fund on a regular basis. In fact, Controller Adamson has repeatedly expressed the need for a deputy specifically to handle the retirement-related tasks of the Controller’s Office.

“We call on Controller Adamson to withdraw this request, and we hope to work with him to find a suitable, qualified deputy controller.”

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