Pennsylvania Department of Education Announces Additional Guidance for Schools

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Education provided more information to schools today following Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement yesterday that all public schools in Pennsylvania will be closed two weeks.

“The spread of COVID-19 has required everyone to work within rapidly changing circumstances,” said Education Secretary Pedro Rivera.

“I am incredibly proud of the education leaders who have been navigating this extraordinary situation for weeks. The department will continue to work with intermediate units and other stakeholders to support schools, educators and students.”

The additional information is as follows:

What Schools Are Closed Statewide:

Within counties under aggressive social distancing guidelines:

What staff may schools deem essential?

What are the consequences for districts/schools that don’t meet the 180-day/hours (990/900/450) requirements?

How will students access meals while schools are closed?

For more information about Pennsylvania’s education policies and programs please visit the Department of Education’s Web site or follow PDE on FacebookTwitter, or Pinterest.

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