Sandy Twp. Reorganizes for 2020

DUBOIS – Sam Mollica and Bill Beers were sworn in as the newly-elected Sandy Township Supervisors on Monday night.

During the board’s reorganizational meeting, Supervisor Kevin Salandra was appointed as chairman. Jim Jeffers, former chairman, opposed.

Beers was nominated and subsequently appointed as vice chairman, and Ferraro, Kruk & Ferraro were reappointed as solicitor. However, it was requested the township explore alternatives.

Also, on Monday, the supervisors voted to move forward with a preliminary study on the impact of a consolidation of Sandy Township and DuBois City.

Jeffers opposed.

Jeffers explained that he didn’t necessarily oppose having a study done. However, he said he would prefer that it be entirely financed by the township to avoid any “conflicts of interest.”

He said he believed both DuBois City and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania favored consolidation, and that would impact the outcome of the study.

“I believe any study that is done for us should be funded by us,” said Jeffers.

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