LTE: Historical Society President Thanks Clearfield Borough Police, Fire Dept. and Street Crew

Dear Editor:

This week, an auto accident occurred when a car hit the corner of the Clearfield County Historical Society’s Carriage House, which is a part of the museum.

Thankfully, there were, so far as I’ve been told, no serious injuries and the building damage is not great.  Accidents happen.

The board of directors of the Clearfield County Historical Society would like to take this opportunity to express its heartfelt thanks to the Clearfield Volunteer Fire Company, the Clearfield Borough Street Crew and the Clearfield Borough Police Department for their prompt and professional assistance at the scene.

Clearfield is fortunate to have these community services and no one should take them for granted. The police routinely check the door locks of our museum and research center.

The emergency services, staffed by community volunteers and employees, respond quickly when needed. Not all towns, throughout Pennsylvania, are that lucky!

I urge those residing in Clearfield and throughout Clearfield County to appreciate, support and offer their services to these fine community-minded men and women.  They are there for us, day or night, and during good weather and bad.

Thanks so much!

David Wulderk

President, Clearfield County Historical Society

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