Dutchmen Fly Past Golden Tide Grapplers in 48-15 Plunder

Senior Blake Passarelli (13-1) used a duck under followed by an up down to score a second period takedown.

Curwensville – The Curwensville Golden Tide hosted the Saint Marys Flying Dutchmen Thursday night, and they were had a rough go of it. Of the eight bouts wrestled on the evening, Curwensville won just two, and they were pinned five times.

Senior Blake Passarelli (13-1) was the first Curwensville wrestler to put points on the board in his 126 pound bout. He wrestled a solid Marco Paropacic who was able to defend multiple offensive moves Passarelli unleashed on him, but Passarelli was still able to score five takedowns and earned an escape to win 11-4.

The other Curwensville wrestler to win on the night was sophomore Jake McCracken, who quickly put the Flying Dutchman Austin Pritt on his back for a pin in 1:40. McCracken improved his record to 10-5.

Another close match was held between Curwensville freshman Jacob Carfley and Saint Marys’ Lane Dellaquilla. Dellaquilla was able to get an escape in the second period to lead 1-0 going into the third. Carfley nearly escaped on two different occasions when he chose bottom, but Dellaquilla was able to hold onto him with a three-quarter nelson both times. Carfley’s record dropped to 10-5.

Sophomore Jake McCracken (10-5) pinned his opponent Thursday night.

Coach Swatsworth said that his team will be focusing on conditioning in the coming days. The team record has dropped to 4-11, but Coach Swatsworth has been more interested in making sure his wrestlers are getting bouts for the end of the season. In individual bouts wrestled, the Tide are 69-55, showing that they are winning more than losing.

Curwensville will next wrestle at the Fred Bell tournament on January 25 and 26.

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