Clearfield County Democratic Committee Launches New Strategic Plan

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Democratic Committee unanimously voted to approve a new strategic plan for 2019-20.

The Clearfield County Democratic Committee Strategic Plan provides county Democrats with a blueprint for dealing with the challenges of the present and building a stronger future for their county, their state and their nation.

While not directive, the plan offers concrete goals that will help to focus the activities of the Clearfield County Democratic Committee and inform both the activities of its vital Democratic clubs, precinct committee members and its other partners, as it works to field competitive Democratic candidates, build its party and advance the ideals of its nation.

Its plan, like its nation, will always be a work in progress. It will continually seek to improve, as it learns from its fellow citizens.

“The next few years will be critical ones for Pennsylvania and America. We will elect new members to Congress, select a President and fill other critical positions at the local, state and national level,” said Dennis Biancuzzo, as he presented the strategic plan to the committee members.

“It is as important as ever that the people we elect to fill those positions embody our values. It is similarly important that those already in power remain responsive to the will of the people and that the people remain informed about the issues that affect their lives.”

The Clearfield County Democratic Committee Strategic Plan draws on the Pennsylvania Democratic Party Platform and the goals of the national party, but whereas they focus on defining the present, the local plan emphasizes ways to bring about and influence the future. The framework provided by the plan:

Through this framework, the committee will provide Democrats throughout Clearfield County with a road map that will provide focus, promote understanding, enhance collaboration and reinforce the bonds that tie it to the community.

The committee voted to approve several sub-committees that will be made up of strong Democrats throughout the county.  Those sub-committees are campaign committee, communications committee, finance committee, IT committee and an organizational committee.

Any Democratic voters are encouraged and welcome to come join the Clearfield County Democratic Committee at its monthly meetings.

Meetings are held in DuBois, at the Penn State DuBois Campus, the second Monday of every month, or in Clearfield at the IBEW, 1400 Leonard St., in Clearfield, the second Wednesday of every month.  Both meetings begin at 7 p.m.

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