Israeli production company launches undercover reality TV show for the #MeToo era

An Israeli production company is launching a reality TV show for the #MeToo era.

Gil Formats is developing “The Silence Breaker,” which according to its website is a hidden camera reality show that “follows in real-time men and women who are experiencing sexual harassment or assault at their workplace.”

Each episode will end with “a confrontation with the harasser,” according to the production company.

CEO Assaf Gil told The Hollywood Reporter that he hopes the show will “inspire others to come forward and speak up.”

He also said they are looking for a host who “should ideally be a woman with a strong background as a journalist.”

Although this show comes in the wake of harassment scandals that have rocked Hollywood in recent months, Gil says the show will focus “on the crimes” and not the #MeToo movement.

“The big difference in what we are doing to what has been around on the news is that, for one, most of these incidents happened a long time ago, while we are basically shooting in real time. And a lot of the (#MeToo) stories in the news have had to do with famous people,” he told The Hollywood Reporter. “(But) we feel sexual harassment is a much more widespread phenomenon.

The show will be shopped to networks at the MIPTV market in Cannes, France, next month.

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