Campus Corner: Orsich Hurls Complete-Game Win


DUBOIS — Sophomore Brandon Orsich (Clearfield) pitched a complete-game six-hitter and freshman center fielder Thayne Morgan (Clearfield) scored the winning run as Penn State DuBois climbed back over .500 by defeating Keuka (N.Y.) College 4-1 in the nightcap of a non-conference doubleheader at Showers Field Sunday afternoon.

Orsich struck out six and hit two batters en route to his second win in as many decisions.

Morgan singled and stole second base before scoring ahead of Brandon Gettig on Talon Falls’ game-winning two-run double.

Orsich lowered his earned run average to 1.35 for 13-1/3 innings in three appearances. He has recorded 12 strikeouts, issued three walks and hit four batters.

Morgan, who has made eight starts in 10 games, sports a .296 batting average on eight hits, one a double. He has driven in two runs.

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HUNTINGDON — Freshman catcher Zane Morgan (Clearfield) whacked a two-run triple, his first extra base hit for Juniata, to drive in two runs in a 17-4 loss to Scranton at Langdon-Goodale Field Sunday afternoon.

Morgan pinch-ran, stole second and scored in Saturday’s 15-5 loss to the visiting Landmark Conference rival. He also threw out a Scranton runner on a steal attempt.

The Eagles won the opener of Sunday’s doubleheader, 7-6, and will take a 6-5 record to this week’s RussMatt Invitational in Central Florida.

Morgan is hitting .273 in seven appearances, two of them starts. He has three hits and four RBIs and has thrown out two runners trying to steal second base.

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