Putin boasts military might with animation of Florida nuke strike

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday used a concept video of unlimited range nuclear warheads apparently raining down on Florida — President Donald Trump’s home away from home — to tout his country’s new firepower.

Putin boasted about the Kremlin’s resurgent military might during his annual address to his nation’s parliament, hyping weaponry that he said would render NATO defenses “completely useless.”

He drew repeated applause with animation-backed claims of nuclear-capable weapons that elude air-defense systems and “invincible” missiles that travel at hypersonic speed.

“Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, any kind of attack, will be regarded as a nuclear attack against Russia, and in response, we will take action instantaneously no matter what the consequences are,” Putin said. “Nobody should have any doubt about that.”

Putin, who is up for reelection March 18, used Thursday’s speech to showcase his country’s strides in military technology.

“Russia still has the greatest nuclear potential in the world, but nobody listened to us,” he said. “Listen now.”

To drive home his point, Putin spoke as a video showed multiple nuclear warheads streaking through space before showering down on what appears to be the outline of the state of Florida.

“But even this is not the end,” Putin said. “We’ve developed new strategic weapons that don’t use ballistic trajectory at all, which means that missile defense will be useless against it.”

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