Clearfield vs. Philipsburg-Osceola “Take Down Cancer” Match Set for Tuesday

HYDE On Tuesday night the Clearfield Bison and Philipsburg-Osceola Mountie wrestling teams will join forces  to “Take Down Cancer- One Match at a time”, in the Arthur J. Weiss Gymnasium  at the Clearfield High School. 

In its third year, this  wrestling match has been successful in raising funds to support the Emily Whitehead Foundation.(  In the previous two years, the efforts of the Mountie and Bison wrestling programs have raised nearly $35,000 for the Emily Whitehead Foundation,  a foundation that assists in increasing awareness and funds for research that supports T-Cell therapy and other immuno-therapy cancer treatments. The Emily Whitehead Foundation was founded by the Whitehead family- Tom and Kari  Whitehead and their daughter Emily, who has been in remission since May 2012. 

Plans have been underway for the upcoming event for some time.  T-shirt sales, sponsored by both Philipsburg and Clearfield area businesses, are being sold both prior to and the night of the event.

During both the Junior High and varsity wrestling matches, a variety of events will be taking place  with all funds being contributed to the Emily Whitehead Foundation.  There will be a 50-50 for both Junior High and varsity matches, a bake sale, full concession stand, t-shirt sales while they last, and a large basket and silent auction- reflecting a  large amount of  wrestling fan base, community and school wide support  for this event. 

The events for the evening will kick off with the Junior High match beginning at 5:30  pm and the varsity match slated to follow, beginning at 7:00 at the Arthur J. Weiss Gymnasium, Clearfield High School.

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