RNC member says barring immigration from Haiti, Africa is ‘racist’

Ada Fisher, a Republican National Committeewoman from North Carolina, says it’s “racist” to seek to bar immigrants from Africa and Haiti.

Fisher complained about President Donald Trump’s reported “shithole countries” comment during a private breakfast for committee members led by RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Thursday, with the party gathered in Washington for the RNC’s annual meeting, four people who were in the room said. She said Trump’s comment could hurt Republicans.

McDaniel responded by noting that there were different accounts of Trump’s comments in the meeting with senators last month over immigration policy.

Fisher, who is African-American, also complained that she hasn’t among those been invited to the White House when Trump has hosted black leaders.

In an interview later Thursday, Fisher — who said her grandfather was Zulu and grandmother Native American — said barring Haitian immigrants amounts to a wet-dry policy, which she said is “racist.”

“I don’t believe in discrimination of that form in any way, shape or form,” she said, saying the United States allows immigrants to enter the country from Mexico. “As long as we don’t let Haitians in and we let people come in across a land bridge, that’s racist, and we should get rid of that.”

Trump has sought to crack down on illegal immigration from Mexico, battling with Congress for funds to build a border wall and increase enforcement.

She also took issue with Trump’s reported characterization of Africa.

“I have a great problem with anybody who has a problem with Africans, given the fact that we took the diamonds, the oil out of Africa — we are indebted to Africa,” Fisher said.

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