Trump’s high-dollar fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago will go on

With the government shut down, President Donald Trump isn’t going to Mar-a-Lago as he planned for his high-dollar fundraiser Saturday night.

But the party for supporters to celebrate the one-year anniversary of his inauguration will still go on, according to a person involved with the fundraiser.

Given the impasse on government spending, planners of the event have been told it’s unlikely Trump will make it to West Palm Beach to attend it himself. But the soiree, due to be held in the ballroom at Mar-a-Lago, will still happen.

Donors paid $100,000 a couple for tickets — or $250,000 a couple to participate in a roundtable with Trump. The proceeds go to the Trump Victory Fund, the joint fundraising effort between Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party.

Trump was scheduled to fly to his Florida estate on Friday and remain there for the weekend, but the White House scrapped the President’s plans as a government shutdown seemed more likely. Now that Congress failed to pass a spending bill to fund the government before the Friday midnight deadline, Trump is bunkering down in Washington until a deal is made.

“He’s not leaving until this is finished,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters outside the White House on Friday.

Trump had been looking forward to the occasion, people who spoke with him on Friday said, describing him as upset at the prospect of canceling the entire Florida weekend.

Related: Source: Trump cancels Mar-a-Lago trip ahead of anticipated government shutdown

On Friday shortly after hearing Trump was canceling his trip, a Republican National Committee official told CNN that Trump could be beamed in by video to the fundraiser.

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