Meryl Streep jokes Mariah Carey ‘stole’ her Globes seat

The Golden Globes were way more interesting than we knew.

Appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Monday, venerable actress Meryl Streep revealed that singer Mariah Carey took her place at the table during the awards ceremony in Los Angeles on Sunday night.

“B**** stole my seat,” Streep joked.

Streep went on to explain that she returned to her assigned seat to find Carey in her place next to Steven Spielberg “sucking up.”

“So, she said, ‘Oh my God, they made me sit down,'” Streep explained, before adding how producers make the stars take a seat quickly when coming back from a commercial break.

Streep jokingly added that she offered to sit on Carey’s lap, “Why not? It looked comfy.”

Carey popped on Twitter to explain.

“Got caught mingling on the way to the loo during a commercial break… took the first seat available, happens to be right next to Steven Spielberg,” she tweeted. “Cut to next commercial break, guess who comes back to her seat.”

The singer offered her version of what happened next.

“(me) Dear Meryl, please forgive me!! (MERYL STREEP) You can take my seat any time,” Carey tweeted.

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