Kim Jong Un says the nuclear button is always on his desk

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has warned the United States that his country’s nuclear capabilities are now complete and the nuclear launch button is always on his desk.

“The entire mainland of the US is within the range of our nuclear weapons and the nuclear button is always on the desk of my office. They should accurately be aware that this is not a threat but a reality,” said Kim during his annual New Year’s Day address, according to a CNN translation of the speech.

“No matter how much America wants to attack us with their military might and nuclear power, they know that now we possess such great nuclear power and therefore they will not dare,” Kim said, adding that his country’s greatest achievement of 2017 was the “historic accomplishment of completing our nuclear capabilities.”

Since coming to power, Kim has overseen a dramatic increase in the pace of North Korea’s missile program. As of February last year, Pyongyang has fired off 23 missiles, improving its technology with each launch. In September, the regime carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

Euan Graham, director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute, told CNN that Kim’s nuclear button comment is “effectively just noise.”

“It doesn’t say anything we haven’t heard before. It’s just his (Kim’s) way of assuring everybody that he is the one in charge and in control. It’s almost like a declaration of victory, they’re over the finish line as far they’re concerned (and) they’re trying to message the US that they’ve got what it takes to deter them,” said Graham.

Olympic possibility

Despite the bellicose sense of triumphalism, Kim’s address also struck a more conciliatory note, declaring his wish “for peaceful resolution with our southern border,” and the possibility that North Korean athletes would participate in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

“North and South must work together to alleviate the tensions and work together as a people of the same heritage to find peace and stability,” said Kim, adding that North Korean representatives could start talks with their South Korean counterparts “as soon as possible” to discuss the possibility of sending a delegation to the games.

Kim went on to wish South Korea success in hosting the upcoming Olympics and said the event would be a “good chance” to show the greatness of the Korean people.

Graham called the softened tone toward South Korea a surprise.

“The olive branch of trying to reach out to the South, that’s the most significant change, because up until now, they just haven’t shown any interest in engaging with the South, or anyone else for that matter,” he said.

“But an olive branch is always wrapped in some sort of belligerent coating in North Korea, it doesn’t mean the end of the nuclear program … Even if they do reach out and send a delegation to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they accompanied that with a continuing testing program as the spring comes, be that a submarine launch or satellite launch.”

Tensions rise

Tension has been rising between the United States and North Korea in recent months. Adm. Mike Mullen, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday that the United States is “closer to a nuclear war with North Korea” than ever.

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Mullen warned that President Donald Trump’s provocative rhetoric aimed at Kim Jong Un likely indicates he would prefer to take a more aggressive approach to countering the rogue regime’s rapidly evolving nuclear weapons program.

Last week, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted new sanctions on North Korea in response to Pyongyang’s November 29 ballistic missile test, seeking to further strangle its energy supplies and tighten restrictions on smuggling and the use of North Korean workers overseas.

North Korea’s state-run news agency KCNA released a report Saturday promising that the country would remain committed to its nuclear development in 2018.

“Do not expect any change in its policy,” the report read.

“Its entity as an invincible power can neither be undermined nor be stamped out. The DPRK, as a responsible nuclear weapons state, will lead the trend of history to the only road of independence and justice, weathering all tempests on this planet,” the report continued, referring to North Korea’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Joint military exercises

In early December, the US carried out another round of military exercises with South Korea, involving the largest concentration of fifth-generation F-22s and F-35s fighter jets ever assembled in South Korea.

The war games included attacks against a mock North Korean missile launch site with mock North Korean radars.

In his New Year’s address, Kim again denounced the exercises.

“These military exercises that you have with our enemy the USA must be halted at this very moment, because this behavior only causes fire and destruction on this great country,” the North Korean leader said, apparently addressing South Korea.

Tong Zhao, a fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing told CNN that Kim does “not want to appear threatening and provocative.”

“He wants to convince the international community that his nuclear weapons are purely for self-defense and wants to have a negotiated solution with the United States on the basis that he gets to keep its nuclear deterrent capability, Zhao said.

“After achieving a preliminary strategic deterrent capability, North Korea might want to deescalate tensions and see(s) the Winter Olympics as a golden opportunity. The games make it possible for Washington and Seoul to meet Pyongyang’s demand for self-restraint — adjusting their military exercises — without losing face and appearing weak on Pyongyang.”

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